2019年9月18日 星期三

乳酪慕絲蛋糕 Yogurt mousse cake

矽膠蛋糕模現在非常流行,配上閃令令的淋面,的確是非常吸引,但有些矽膠模的設計並不適合使用,反而噴朱古力絨面更加可爱。在一些烘焙商店會有一支支不同顏色朱古力噴劑出售(chocolate velvet spray),用法也挺方便,不過我還是選擇買氣泵,喷筆,自己校色,雖然比較麻煩,卻從中學到不少。以下是少少的個人經驗和大家分享一下
1. 蛋糕體要冰硬,最好放在冰櫃過夜,脱模後立即噴以免倒汗水產生
2. 如噴筆/噴槍的噴咀直徑是細,例如我用的是0.8mm,可可油會加多些,等稀些流動性好些,所以白朱古力(white chocolate) : 可可油(cocoa butter)會去到 1:1.5,如果係大口徑1.2-1.5mm,就可以用1:1
3. 一定要油溶性色素,粉狀,膏狀或水狀亦可,將朱古力加可可油坐熱水至溶然後加色素攪匀,一定過篩才可倒入噴槍,尤其是用粉狀,以免未溶色粉阻塞噴咀
4. 低温會令到朱古力開始凝結,所以噴槍最好是暖的,可以用熱風槍或風筒把噴槍吹暖才倒入朱古力,而操作途中也要吹下以保持温度
5. 蛋糕體顏色最好選擇淺色,效果會鮮明些。如不想加色素,可以用牛奶朱古力或者黑朱古力,出來的效果就會好似今次做的蛋糕,淺棕色,也是不錯的

杏仁蛋糕 Joconde  biscuit 
杏仁粉 Almond flour 75g
糖霜 Icing sugar 30g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 65g
蛋黃 Egg yolk 3 pcs
牛油溶液 Melted butter 25g
蛋白Egg white 6 pcs
糖 Sugar 60g

1.  糖粉和麵粉過篩加杏仁粉混合好
    Sift icing sugar and flour then mix well with almond flour
2. 蛋黃3隻加蛋白2隻攪勻加粉類和牛油溶液攪勻待用
     Stir egg yolks and 2 nos of egg white then mix with flour mixture and melted butter
3. 蛋白加糖打發至硬
     Beat egg white and sugar until stiff peak
4. 將1/3打起蛋白加蛋黃糊攪䦕
     Fully Incorporate 1/3 egg white into egg yolk batter 
5. 最後捲入其餘蛋白
     Gently fold in remaining egg white
6. 將麵糊倒入平盤中然後平均推開成一長方片
    Pour into lined baking tray the evenly spread into a big sheet

7. Bake at 200c for about 10mins

朱古力忌廉 Whipped chocolate ganache 
黑朱古力 Dark chocolate 40g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 150g
Cream 35% 100g
1. Heat 50g cream and add to chopped chocolate then stir well
2. Add remaining cream
3. Refrigerate overnight 
4. Whip to stiff and ready for use

乳酪慕絲  Yogurt mousse  
乳酪 Yogurt  200g
淡忌廉 Cream 35%   200g
糖Sugar  60g
魚膠粉  Gelatin 10g
奶 Milk  100g
1. 魚膠粉加糖混合好後加奶
     Mix gelatin and sugar then mix with milk 
2. 將奶混合物加熱至魚膠和糖溶
     Heat the mixture until sugar and gelatin dissolved  
3. 待涼至暖/40c
     Let cool to warm/40c
4. 打起忌廉至約5-6成後加入乳酪打勻
     Whip cream to thicken then add yogurt and whip to combine 
5. 加入奶混合物拌勻即可
     Stir into milk mixture and ready for use

組合 Assembly 
1. 在蛋糕片上抹上一層果占然後抹上朱古力忌廉
    Spread a layer of jam on the cake sheet then apply chocolate cream on the jam
2. 將蛋糕切成長條型
    Cut the cake into long strips

3. 把蛋糕條捲成漩渦狀然後沿著外圍貼上蛋糕條成為樹頭狀
     Roll a cake strip into spiral then stick the cake strips along the side to form a flat roll

4. 入冰櫃雪至硬
     Freeze to hard
5. 把慕絲糊倒2個心型小模然後把剩餘的倒入8吋圓模中
     Pour mousse batter into heart shaped silicon mold and pour the rest into 8 inch round mousse ring

6. 輕輕壓入蛋糕圓餅
    Gently press the cake into the mousse

7.  心型模和圓模一齊入冰櫃雪至硬身
     Freeze until hardened 
8. 脫模後在圓型和心型慕絲噴上朱古力絨面
     Spray with colored chocolate on the mousse

9. 把心型慕絲放上圓型慕絲上,用士多啤梨和白朱古力葉,和唧上鏡面果膠作裝飾即可
    Place the heart-shaped mousse on the round mousse cake and decorate with strawberry, chocolate leaves and mirror glaze

