低筋麵粉 Cake flour 95g
奶粉 Milk powder 15g
杏仁粉 Almond flour 10g
已軟牛油 Soften butter 40g
油 Oil 20g
糖霜 Icing sugar 20g
蛋 Egg 25g
鳯梨膏餡料 Pineapple paste filling
1. 麵粉加奶粉拌勻過篩後加杏仁粉拌勻待用
Mix flour and milk powder and sift then mix well with almond flour
2. 牛油加糖霜攪勻後加油攪勻,然後加入蛋拌勻、最後加粉類拌勻成一粉團
Stir soften butter and icing sugar well then add oil then mix well
Add egg and stir well
Add egg and stir well
Add in flour mixture to form a dough
3. 將粉團分成24小份(每份約9-10g)
Divide the dough into 24 portions (about 9-10g per serving )
4. 同樣預備24小份鳯梨餡(每份約6-7g)
Also prepare 24 portions of pineapple filling ( about 6-7g per serving)
5. 把粉團壓平然後包入餡料搓圓,然後放入模中壓平
Flatten the dough and wrap in the filling then roll into a ball shape
6. 用170c 連模焗10分鐘然後反面再焗多10分鐘
Bake at 17Oc with mold for 10mins then flip over , bake for 10 mins more
鳳梨餡 Pineapple paste filling
鳯梨肉 Pineapple 2 pcs
糖 Sugar 12 tbsp
麥芽糖 Maltose 2 tbsp
1. 鳳梨去皮去釘後用切成小塊放入攪拌機打成蓉
Purée skinned and nailed pineapple in blender
2. 鳳梨蓉放入鑊中不停翻炒約半小時至汁液減少開始杰身
Stir-fry pineapple purée for about 1/2 hr until juice is reduced
3. 加入糖和麥芽糖拌勻(試味後喜甜的可以再加糖)
Add sugar and maltose then taste( increase amount of sugar for sweeter flavor)
4. 再不停翻炒至成團即可