2018年5月3日 星期四

蘋果撻 Apple tart


撻皮 Tart shell
室溫軟牛油 Soften butter 180g
糖 Sugar  35g
蛋 Egg 30g
奶 Milk 10g
鹽  少許 Salt a pinch 
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 270g
1. 牛油加糖攪勻混合
    Mix butter and sugar until just combined     
2. 加蛋,奶和鹽攪拌至混合
    Add egg, milk and salt and mix well    
3. 然後加入已篩麵粉輕輕搓成團
    Add sifted flour and knead lightly to form a dough
4. 用保鮮紙包好放入雪櫃雪至少4小時
    Wrap with plastic film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours and ready for use
5. 擀薄麵團然後裁切出圓底和旁邊位,放入模中輕輕按壓定型,批去邊沿多出麵團
     Roll out the dough. Cut out a round base and side stripes then line in tart mold.
     Gently press to fix the shape and trim off excess
6. 用叉在底部戵洞
     Prick the base 

杏仁餡料 Almond cream filling 
牛油 Butter 50g
糖 Sugar 50g
杏仁粉 Almond flour 50g
蛋 Egg 1 pcs
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 20g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 50g
1. 杏仁粉加已篩麵粉攪勻待用
     Mix almond flour with sifted flour
2. 牛油加糖打至變白浮身
     Beat butter and sugar until fluffy
3. 加入蛋攪勻
    Add eggs and mix well
4. 加入粉類和淡忌廉拌勻即可
    Add flour mixture and cream then mix well
5. 放入撻殻中抹平,用180c焗約20-25 分鐘
     Spread the filling in the prepared tart shell the bake at 180c for 20-25mins

蘋果餡料 Apple compote
蘋果 Apple 2 nos
半個檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1/2 pc 
水 Water 30g
糖 Sugar 40g
1. 蘋果去皮切成丁
    Cut peeled apple into small cube
2. 蘋果丁加檸檬汁,水和糖煮至收汁和蘋果變軟即可
     Stir-fry with water, lemon juice and sugar until apple became soft and juice reduced
3. 待蘋果蓉涼後,放在焗好的杏仁餡料面抹平
     Spread cooled apple compote on the baked almond filling

糖水 Syrup
糖 Sugar 150g
水 Water 200g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1/2 pc
1. 將所有材料混合煮至糖溶化
    Heat all ingredients until sugar dissolved
2. 蘋果切開一半去芯然後切成薄片然後放入糖水中浸泡至軟身
     Slice the cored apple then soak in the warm syrup until apple became softened
3. 格去糖水即可放在撻面排成花狀
     Strain apple slices before use

