聖誕樹頭蛋糕 Christmas log cake
抹茶杏仁蛋糕 Matcha joconde cake
蛋黃 Egg yolk 2 pc
蛋黃 Egg yolk 2 pc
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 40g
抹茶粉 Matcha powder 5g
杏仁粉 Almond flour 50g
蛋白 Egg white 4 pc
糖 Sugar 60g
1. Sift flour, matcha powder and then mix well with almond flour
2. 將20g糖加2隻蛋黃和一隻蛋白(即是1隻全蛋加1隻蛋黃)打起泛白
Whip 2 egg yolks and 1 egg white until fluffy
3. Add flour mixture and stir well
3. 蛋白加 40g糖打至硬
Beat egg white and 40g sugar until stiff
4. 將1/3打起蛋白加蛋黃糊攪䦕
Fully Incorporate 1/3 egg white into egg yolk batter
5. 最後捲入其餘蛋白
Gently fold in remaining egg white
6. 將麵糊倒入已墊紙的焗盤上然後平均抹平
Evenly spread batter on baking tray
7. 180c焗約10-12分鐘
Bake at 180c for about 10-12mins
8. 蛋糕涼後裁切成大小2片
Cut the cake sheet into 2 cake slice
Cut the cake sheet into 2 cake slice
紅豆慕絲 Red bean mousse
紅豆沙餡 Sweet red bean paste 150g
奶 Milk 100g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 6g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 140g
1. 糖加魚膠粉混和後加入奶和紅豆沙餡攪勻
Mix sugar and gelatin powder then add milk and red bean paste
2. 加熱至糖和魚膠全部溶解
Heat the mixture until sugar and gelatin dissolved
3. 待涼至約35-40c
Let cool to 35-40c
4. 打忌廉起至5-6成
Whip cream to thick but not stiff
5. 將忌廉輕輕捲入紅豆中拌勻即可
Gently fold into the red bean mixture until fully incorporated
意式蛋白霜 Italian meringue
糖 sugar 50g
水 Water 15g
蛋白 Egg white 1 pc
1. 蛋白加5g糖打至起泡待用
Whip egg white and 5g sugar
Whip egg white and 5g sugar
2. 45g糖加水煮至121c
Heat 45g sugar and water to 121c
Heat 45g sugar and water to 121c
3. 用機一面攪打蛋白然後一面慢慢撞入糖水
Pour the hot syrup into the egg white while still whipping
4. 繼續攪打至約35-40c即可
Keep whipping until it is about 35-40c
Pour the hot syrup into the egg white while still whipping
4. 繼續攪打至約35-40c即可
Keep whipping until it is about 35-40c
椰子慕絲 Coconut mousse
椰奶 Coconut cream 125g
糖 Sugar 15g
鹽 Salt 少許 a pinch
鹽 Salt 少許 a pinch
魚膠粉 Gelatine 7g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 150g
意式蛋白霜 Italian meringue
意式蛋白霜 Italian meringue
1. 將魚膠粉,糖和鹽混合,然後加椰奶攪勻
Mix gelatin, sugar and salt then add in coconut cream
Mix gelatin, sugar and salt then add in coconut cream
2. 加熱至糖和魚膠溶解即可
Heat mixture until sugar and gelatin dissolved
3. 待涼至35-40c後加入意式蛋白霜拌勻
Let cool to 35-40c then mix well with Italian meringue
Let cool to 35-40c then mix well with Italian meringue
4. 打起淡忌亷至約5-6成後加入椰子混合物拌勻即可
Whip cream to thicken then fold into coconut mixture
組合 Assembly
1. 將紅豆慕絲倒入夾心模中然後放上蛋糕片
Pour red bean mousse into the prepared filling mold then gently press on a cake slice
2. 放入冰格雪至冰硬
Freeze to hard
3. 在已墊矽膠花紋墊的長條模中倒入一層椰子慕絲然後輕輕壓入冰硬的夾餡
Pour a layer of coconut mousse into silicone pattern mold then gently press in the iced hard red bean mousse
4. 再倒入一層椰子慕絲然後輕輕壓入蛋糕片
Pour another layer of coconut mousse then gently press in a cake slice
5. 放入冰格雪過夜至冰硬
Freeze overnight until hard
6. 脫模噴上朱古力絨面放上裝飾即可
Spray a velvet chocolate coating and decorate
組合 Assembly
1. 將紅豆慕絲倒入夾心模中然後放上蛋糕片
Pour red bean mousse into the prepared filling mold then gently press on a cake slice
2. 放入冰格雪至冰硬
Freeze to hard
3. 在已墊矽膠花紋墊的長條模中倒入一層椰子慕絲然後輕輕壓入冰硬的夾餡
Pour a layer of coconut mousse into silicone pattern mold then gently press in the iced hard red bean mousse
4. 再倒入一層椰子慕絲然後輕輕壓入蛋糕片
Pour another layer of coconut mousse then gently press in a cake slice
5. 放入冰格雪過夜至冰硬
Freeze overnight until hard
6. 脫模噴上朱古力絨面放上裝飾即可
Spray a velvet chocolate coating and decorate