咖啡慕絲切餅 Mini coffee mousse cake
因為生蛋含菌,需要經過消毒才可食用,所以用來整慕絲時要煮過才可加入食材中,但當中技巧對於我來說是難掌控的。曾經試過煮到過熟變成蛋花,於是改用坐熱水法,但撥到手軟都未得,紿終都是用明火加温度計的方法最好 😋
朱古力杏仁蛋糕 Chocolate joconde cake
因為生蛋含菌,需要經過消毒才可食用,所以用來整慕絲時要煮過才可加入食材中,但當中技巧對於我來說是難掌控的。曾經試過煮到過熟變成蛋花,於是改用坐熱水法,但撥到手軟都未得,紿終都是用明火加温度計的方法最好 😋
朱古力杏仁蛋糕 Chocolate joconde cake
杏仁粉 Almond flour 50g
糖霜 Icing sugar 20g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 35g
可可粉 Cocao powder 15g
蛋黃 Egg yolk 1 pc
蛋 Whole egg 1 pc
蛋白Egg white 3 pcs
糖 Sugar 40g
1. 糖粉,麵粉和可可粉過篩加杏仁粉混合好
Sift icing sugar and flour then mix well with almond flour
2. 蛋黃1隻加全蛋1隻攪勻加粉類攪勻待用
Mix egg yolk and whole egg with flour mixture
3. 蛋白加糖打發至硬
Beat egg whites and sugar until stiff peak
4. 將1/3打起蛋白加蛋黃糊攪䦕
Fully Incorporate 1/3 egg white into egg yolk batter
5. 最後捲入其餘蛋白
Gently fold in remaining egg white
6. 將麵糊倒入平盤中然後平均推開成一長方片
Pour into lined baking tray the evenly spread into a big sheet
7. 200c焗約10分鐘
Bake at 200c for about 10mins
8. 蛋糕出爐涼後裁切2片和慕絲圏一樣大小的蛋糕片
Slice into 2 cake sheets which fit the rectangular mousse ring
朱古力脆底 Crunchy layer
花生醬 Peanut butter 45g
牛奶朱古力 Milk chocolate 40g
薄脆片 Feuilletine flake 35g
1. 朱古力坐熱水至溶後加入花生醬攪勻
Melt chocolate over hot water bath then stir in peanut butter
2. 離熱水後加入薄脆片拌勻待用
Remove from hot water then add feuilletine flakes
咖啡慕絲 Coffee mousse
蛋黃 Egg yolk 1 pc
糖 Sugar 40g
奶 Milk 110g
即溶咖啡粉 Instant coffee powder 1 Tbsp
魚膠粉 Gelatin powder 5g
水 water 20g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 150g
1. 魚膠粉加水混合好待用
Mix gelatin powder and water well
2. 蛋黃加糖攪勻然後倒入煮暖的奶攪勻
Stir egg yolk and sugar well than mix with warm milk
3. 將奶混合物倒回鍋中用極小火邊煮邊攪至82c後即離火
Cook and stir constantly with lowest heat until egg mixture reached 82c then remove from heat at once
4. 加入咖啡粉和魚膠拌勻然後過篩,待涼至約35c
Add in instant coffee powder and gelatin mixture then sift and let cool to 35c
5. 打起淡忌廉然後卷入咖啡混合物中即可
Fold in whipped cream
朱古力淋面 Chocolate glaze
Water 水 100g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 100g
糖 Sugar 80g
水飴 Glucose 30g
已篩可可粉 Sifted cocoa powder 40g
魚膠粉 Gelatin powder 5g
1. 水,淡忌廉,水飴和50g糖煮沸
Boil water , cream , gluose and 50g sugar
2. 將魚膠粉,可可粉和30g糖混合好後加入忌廉中
Mix gelatin powder, cocoa powder and 40g sugar then add in the cream mixture
3. 攪勻至再煮沸後離火
Stir to boil and remove from heat
4. 過篩後用保鲜紙貼面,待涼至室溫/30c即可
Strain the mixture and let cool to room temperature/30c with plastic film covered
組合 Assembly
1. 在模底放入脆底攤平然後放上一片蛋糕輕輕壓實
2. 倒入一層咖啡慕絲然後放上一片蛋糕後再倒入一層慕絲
Pour a layer of coffee mousse then press in a cake slice and pour in coffee mousse at last
3. 入雪櫃雪過夜
Refrigerate overnight
4. 在慕絲面上倒上薄薄一層鏡面搪勻再雪一個小時
Pour and spread a thin layer of mirror glaze and refrigerate for 1 hour
5. 脫模後切件然後放上朱古力豆作裝飾即可
Remove the cake from mold then slice and decorate