朱古力香蕉慕絲蛋糕 Chocolate banana mousse cake
因香蕉打蓉後會變黑,還擔心慕絲出來的顏色會否太深,結果祗是帶少許灰色,和朱古力也挺相襯呢! 😅
朱古力海綿蛋糕 Chocolate sponge cake
蛋 Egg 3 pcs
糖 Sugar 70g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 50g
可可粉 Cocoa powder 15g
牛油溶液 Melted butter 25g
1. 低筋粉加可可粉過篩3次混合好
Sift cake flour and cocoa powder 3 times
Sift cake flour and cocoa powder 3 times
2. 蛋加糖座熱水攪和至暖/約40c
Whisk egg and sugar in hot water bath until mixture is warm/about 40c
Whisk egg and sugar in hot water bath until mixture is warm/about 40c
3. 離熱水後打至硬
Remove from bath and beat until stiff
Remove from bath and beat until stiff
4. 分三次輕輕捲入已篩麵粉
Gently fold in sifted flour by 3 times
Gently fold in sifted flour by 3 times
5. 最後加入已溶牛油
Incorporate melted butter
Incorporate melted butter
6. 用180c焗約13-15 分鐘
Bake at 180c for 13-15 mins
Bake at 180c for 13-15 mins
7. 待涼後切成所需尺寸蛋糕片
Cut and slice when cake is cool
Cut and slice when cake is cool
脆底 Crunchy base
餅乾/雪糕筒 Biscuit/sugar cone 90g
香烤合桃碎 Chopped roasted walnut 50g
已溶黑朱古力 Melted dark chocolate 60g
1. 餅乾/雪糕筒攪拌機打碎
Blend biscuits/sugar cone into small pieces
Blend biscuits/sugar cone into small pieces
2. 將所有材料混合然後壓入慕絲圈底
Mix all ingredients well then press into the base of mousse ring
Mix all ingredients well then press into the base of mousse ring
3. 放入雪櫃待用
Refrigerate before use
Refrigerate before use
香蕉慕絲 Banana mousse
香蕉 Banana 180g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1 tbsp
糖 Sugar 20g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 7g
水 Water 30g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 250g
1. 魚膠加糖混合好然後加水攪勻待用
Mix gelatin and sugar then add water and stir well
Mix gelatin and sugar then add water and stir well
2. 香蕉加檸檬汁打成蓉
Mix banana and lemon juice then blend to smooth
Mix banana and lemon juice then blend to smooth
3. 將魚膠叮15-20秒至溶然後加入香蕉蓉中拌勻
Microwave gelatin mixture for 15-20sec then add to banana mixture
Microwave gelatin mixture for 15-20sec then add to banana mixture
4. 捲入已打起5-6成忌廉即可
Whip cream to thicken then fold into banana mixture
Whip cream to thicken then fold into banana mixture
水 Water 100g
忌廉 Cream 35% 100g
糖 Sugar 90g
已篩可可粉 Sifted cocoa powder 40g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 5g
1. 水加忌廉加50g糖煮沸
Boil water , cream and 50g sugar
Boil water , cream and 50g sugar
2. 將魚膠粉,可可粉和40g糖混合好後加入忌廉中
Mix gelatin powder, cocoa powder and 40g sugar then add in the cream mixture
Mix gelatin powder, cocoa powder and 40g sugar then add in the cream mixture
3. 攪勻至再煮沸後離火
Stir to boil and remove from heat
Stir to boil and remove from heat
4. 過篩後用保鲜紙貼面,待涼至室溫/30c即可
Sift the mixture and let cool to room temperature/30c with plastic film covered
Sift the mixture and let cool to room temperature/30c with plastic film covered
組合 To assemble
1. 倒入香蕉慕絲在脆底上抹平然後輕輕壓入蛋糕片,倒入另一層慕絲
Pour banana mousse on crunchy base then gently press a cake slice on and pour another layer of mousse
Pour banana mousse on crunchy base then gently press a cake slice on and pour another layer of mousse
2. 重覆此步驟
Repeat the step
Repeat the step
3. 冰至慕絲硬身
Freeze to harden
Freeze to harden
4. 倒入一層薄朱古力淋面
Pour a thin layer of chocolate glaze
Pour a thin layer of chocolate glaze
花樣 A Design A
1. 閃粉光亮膠加冧酒開稀
Mix sparkling mirror glaze with rum
Mix sparkling mirror glaze with rum
2. 用唧咀㡳蘸上光亮膠
Dip base of pipping nozzle into mirror glaze
Dip base of pipping nozzle into mirror glaze
3. 在朱古力淋面印上花紋
Stamp pattern on chocolate glaze
Stamp pattern on chocolate glaze
4. 脫模後切件放上裝飾插片
Remove from mould and cut into portions then decorate
Remove from mould and cut into portions then decorate
花樣B Design B
1. 在朱古力淋面上抹上閃粉光亮膠
Spread a layer of sparkling mirror glaze on chocolate glaze
Spread a layer of sparkling mirror glaze on chocolate glaze
2. 脫模後切件
Remove from mould then cut into portions
Remove from mould then cut into portions
3. 在四邊蘸上椰絲
Sprinkle shredded coconut on the edge
Sprinkle shredded coconut on the edge
4. 頭尾兩面貼上朱古力片
Stick chocolate plate at both end side
Stick chocolate plate at both end side
5. 放上翻糖小花作裝飾
Decorate with fondant flowers
Decorate with fondant flowers