蛋白蛋糕 Angel food cake
蛋白 Egg white 130g
糖 Sugar 45g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 45g
奶 Milk 20g
油 Oil 20g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1 tsp
1. 加熱奶和油後倒入已篩麵粉混合攪勻
Heat milk and oil then mix with sifted flour and stir well
Heat milk and oil then mix with sifted flour and stir well
2. 蛋白加檸檬汁打至粗泡後加入糖
Roughly whisk egg whites and lemon juice then add sugar
Roughly whisk egg whites and lemon juice then add sugar
3. 然後打至軟尖狀
Whip the mixture to soft peak
Whip the mixture to soft peak
4. 將1/3 蛋白霜和麵粉團混合攪開
Mix 1/3 of meringue with flour mixture
Mix 1/3 of meringue with flour mixture
5. 輕輕捲入其餘蛋白
Fold in remaining meringue
Fold in remaining meringue
6. 160c 焗約15分鐘
Bake at 160c for 15 mins
Bake at 160c for 15 mins
番薯蓉 Sweet potato purée
請參考雙色番薯撻 For instructions please refer to
組合 To assemble
1. 將已放涼蛋糕片放在紙上
Place cake sheet on parchment paper
Place cake sheet on parchment paper
2. 在遠的一端斜斜片薄和在面上輕輕𠝹上不到底橫線
Diagonally slice one end and score straight line on surface
Diagonally slice one end and score straight line on surface
3. 平均抹上一層番薯蓉
Spread even layer of sweet potato purée
Spread even layer of sweet potato purée
4. 拎起近身紙的一端慢慢推出去至蛋糕片尾
Roll cake sheet away from you by using parchment paper to lift and guide
Roll cake sheet away from you by using parchment paper to lift and guide
5. 一邊拉著㡳紙一邊用間尺放在面紙推向自己成一平均結實卷狀
Hold end of paper in position then push the roll toward you by a ruler to form even roll
Hold end of paper in position then push the roll toward you by a ruler to form even roll
6. 將蛋糕卷包好雪過夜
Wrap cake roll with parchment paper and refrigerate overnight
Wrap cake roll with parchment paper and refrigerate overnight
7. 切去蛋糕卷頭尾然後唧上忌廉和放上裝飾
Trim and decorate with whipped cream and strawberries
Trim and decorate with whipped cream and strawberries