2016年9月28日 星期三

紫薯慕絲蛋糕 Purple sweet potato mousse cake 

紫薯慕斯蛋糕 purple sweet potato mousse cake


雪芳蛋糕 Chiffon cake 
奶 Milk 奶 50g
牛油 Butter   25g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour  65g
蛋黃 Egg yolk   3 pcs
蛋白 Egg white  3 pcs
糖 Sugar 糖  60g 
檸檬汁 Lemon juice  1tsp
1. 加熱奶和牛油,然後加入巳篩麵粉攪勻
     Heat milk and butter then add sifted flour 
2. 加入蛋黃攪勻過篩待用
    Whisk in egg yolks then pass through a sift
3. 蛋白加檸檬汁加糖打至硬
     Whip egg whites ,lemon juice and sugar to soft peak 
4. 將1/3蛋白霜加入麵糊中攪拌至全混合
    Whisk 1/3 meringue until fully incorporated 
5. 再將餘下蛋白霜卷入即可
     Fold in remaining meringue 
6. Bake about 20~25 mins at 180c
    180c 焗約 20~25 分鐘
7. 將蛋糕切成3塊長方型蛋糕片
    Slice into 3 rectangular pieces


紫薯慕絲 Purple sweet potato mousse 
紫薯蓉 Purple sweet potato purée  100g
奶 Milk  100g
糖 Sugar  10g
魚膠粉 Gelatin   5g
淡忌廉 Cream 35%   100g
1. 糖加魚膠粉混合好加入奶中攪勻
    Mix sugar and gelatin powder then add milk
2. 加熱至糖和魚膠全溶化
     Heat milk mixture until gelatin and sugar dissolved 
3. 熄火加紫薯蓉攪勻然後待涼至暖約35-40c
     Add purple sweet potato purée and stir well then let cool to 35-40c
4. 打起淡忌廉至5-6成然後捲入薯蓉中即可用
     Whip cream to thickened then fold in sweet potato mixture 

椰香白朱古力淋醬 Coconut white chocolate ganach
白朱古力 White chocolate 30g
椰漿 Coconut cream  40g
1. 將椰漿和白朱古力放在碗中然後微波爐加熱約20-25秒
     Place white chocolate and coconut cream in a bowl then microwave for 20-25sec

2. 讓白朱古力浸在椰漿中一陣子
     Let white chocolate seat in hot coconut cream for awhile  
3. 然後攪勻至朱古力全溶入待涼
     Stir until chocolate is fully incorporated then let cool 

組合 To assemble  
1. 在模底放入一片蛋糕
     Place a cake slice at the bottom of cake mould  
2. 倒入一層慕絲漿然後抹平
     Pour a layer of mousse batter and spread even

3. 放上另一片蛋糕
     Place another cake slice       
4. 重覆步驟2和3
     Repeat step 2 and 3

5. 入雪櫃雪4-6小時
     Refrigerate for 4 - 6 hrs   
6. 倒入白朱古力淋醬抹平
     Pour white chocolate ganache and spread even 

7. 雪過夜
     Refrigerate overnight  
8. 脫模後切件
     Remove from cake mould and slice 

9. 篩上紫薯粉做圖案插上裝飾即可
     Sift on purple sweet potato powder then decorate

