2016年10月29日 星期六

黃桃乳酪蛋糕 Peach and yogurt mousse cake

黃桃乳酪慕斯蛋糕 peach and yogurt mousse cake

看到這麽美麗的葉,便想將它放在蛋糕做裝飾,於是拾數片大小不同的楓葉,回家浸水洗後抹乾,在葉背薄薄抺上油,然後塗上已調溫朱古力,待硬身後撕去葉片,掃上食用閃粉,即成靚靚裝飾,為所做甜點添上美麗! 👍🏻

杏仁蛋糕 Joconde  cake  
蛋黃 Egg yolk  1 pc
蛋 Egg  1 pc
低筋麵粉 Cake flour  45g
杏仁粉 Almond flour 50g
蛋白 Egg white   3 pcs
糖 Sugar  60g
已溶牛油 Melted butter 15g
1. 麵粉過篩加杏仁粉混合
     Mix sifted flour and almond flour
2. 蛋黃加蛋加20g糖打至浮身
     Whip egg yolk and egg with 20g sugar until fluffy 
3. 加入粉類和牛油攪勻待用
    Add flour mixture and butter then stir well
4. 蛋白加40g 糖打至硬
     Beat egg white and 40g sugar until stiff
5. 將1/3打起蛋白加入麵糊攪䦕
    Fully Incorporate 1/3 egg white into almond batter 
6. 最後捲入其餘蛋白
     Gently fold in remaining egg white
7. 用 200c焗約15分鐘
    Bake at 200c for about 15 mins

7. 將蛋糕裁切成所需大小和型狀
     Cut and slice into required size and shape

黃桃慕絲 Peach mousse 
黃桃蓉 Peach purée 150g
糖 Sugar  30g
魚膠粉 Gelatin  7g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice  1 tsp
淡忌廉 Cream35%  150g
1. 將魚膠粉和糖混合,然後加桃蓉攪勻
     Mix gelatin and sugar, then add peach purée
2. 加熱至糖和魚膠溶加檸檬汁後待暖約40c
     Heat mixture until sugar and gelatin dissolved then add lemon juice and let cool to warm/40c
3. 打起淡忌亷至約5-6成後加桃蓉拌勻即可
     Whip cream to thicken then mix with peach mixture

黃桃啫喱 Peach jelly 
桃蓉 Peach purée  150g
糖  Sugar 10g
魚膠粉 Gelatin powder  3g
寒天粉 Agar powder  3g
1. 將糖,魚膠粉和寒天粉混合好後加入桃蓉
     Mix sugar, gelatin and agar powder then add peach purée 

2. 加熱至糖,魚膠和寒天粉溶解
     Heat the mixture until  sugar, gelatin and agar powder dissolved
3. 待涼即可倒上黃桃慕絲上
     Let cool and ready for pouring 

乳酪慕絲  Yogurt mousse  
乳酪 Yogurt  200g
淡忌廉 Cream 35%   200g
糖Sugar  60g
魚膠粉  Gelatin 10g
奶 Milk  100g
1. 魚膠粉加糖混合好後加奶
     Mix gelatin and sugar then mix with milk 
2. 將奶混合物加熱至魚膠和糖溶
     Heat the mixture until sugar and gelatin dissolved  
3. 待涼至暖/40c
     Let cool to warm/40c
4. 打起忌廉至約5-6成後加入乳酪打勻
     Whip cream to thicken then add yogurt and whip to combine 
5. 加入奶混合物拌勻即可
     Stir into milk mixture and ready for use

白朱古力淋面 Mirror glaze  
白朱古力 White chocolate   100g
White candy melt 50g
淡忌廉 Cream 35%  100g
奶 Milk 50g
葡萄糖漿 Glucose syrup  50g
魚膠片 Gelatin sheet  5g
1. 將忌廉,奶和糖漿混合加熱至剛沸
     Heat cream, milk and glucose syrup to just boil
2. 加入已浸冰水軟身的魚膠片攪勻
     Add bloomed gelatin sheet then stir well
3. 然後倒入白朱古力和candy melts 中然後攪開至朱古力全溶化
     Pour over into white chocolate and candy melts then stir well
4. 加入食用色素混合好
     Add icing color 

5. 待涼至約35c即可作淋面用
     Let cool to 35c and ready to use

組合 To assemble  
1. 將蛋糕放入慕絲圈底部
     Place joconde cake at bottom of mousse ring
2. 將蛋糕放入慕絲圈底部
     Pour over peach mousse then freeze until mousse set

3. 倒入黃桃啫喱後再冰至全體堅硬
     Pour over peach jelly then freeze until firm and hard

4. 脫模後入冰箱待用
     Remove from mousse ring then keep in freeze 

5. 將慕絲圏校大/用大一碼慕絲圈,然後在底部網上保鮮紙
     Adjust mousse ring to a larger size then mount a plastic film at the bottom
6. 倒入乳酪慕絲然後將已冰硬的黃桃慕絲在中央輕輕壓入至乳酪慕絲和蛋糕底平排
     Pour yogurt mousse then gently press down frozen cake at the cente until yogurt mouss level        with joconde cake base 

7. 將整體冰至硬身
     Freeze until firm and hard
8. 蛋糕脫模後放在架上
     Remove from mousse ring then place cake on a rack
9. 淋上朱古力淋面然後放上裝飾即可
     Pour over mirror glaze then decorate 

