2016年12月21日 星期三

椰子慕絲芋蓉聖誕蛋糕 Coconut mousse and taro cream Christmas cake 

椰子慕絲芋蓉聖誕蛋糕 Coconut mousse and taro cream Christmas cake

在多倫多買到的芋頭大多數是產至南美,每個size 都好似砲彈那樣大,所以買一個可以分幾餐食用。幸好它可以咸食可甜食,有許多變化,其中我最喜愛用來做甜點,如蛋糕和糖水。
如果食譜要用栗子蓉的也可以用芋蓉替代,例如Mont Blanc ,味道一樣好吃的! 👍🏻😋

海綿蛋糕 Sponge cake 
蛋 Egg  2 pcs              
糖 Sugar 糖 40g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour  45g                     
牛油溶液 Melted butter  17g                 
1. 蛋加糖座熱水攪和至暖/約40c
    Whisk egg and sugar over double boiler until mixture is warm/about 40c
2. 離熱水後打至硬
    Remove from boiler and beat until stiff
3. 分三次輕輕捲入已篩麵粉
    Gently fold in sifted flour by 3 times
4. 最後加入已溶牛油
     Incorporate butter
5. 倒入半圓模中用180c焗約15 分鐘
    Pour into hemisphere cake mould and bake at 180c for 15 mins
6. 脫模後橫切一半成2份
    Cut into half horizontally after removed from mould

椰子慕絲 Coconut mousse 
椰奶 Coconut cream  170g
糖 Sugar  80g
魚膠粉 Gelatine  6g
淡忌廉 Cream 35%  200g
1. 將魚膠粉和糖混合,然後加椰奶攪勻
    Mix gelatin and sugar, then add in coconut cream
2. 加熱至糖和魚膠溶解即可
    Heat mixture until sugar and gelatin dissolved
3. 待涼至暖約40c
     Let cool to warm/40c
4. 打起淡忌亷至約5-6成
    Whip cream to thicken but not stiff
5. Mix cream with coconut mixture and ready to use

芋頭忌廉 Taro cream 
芋蓉 Taro purée  100g
糖 Sugar  30g
淡忌廉 Cream 35%   70g
1. 糖加芋蓉邊攪邊煮至糖溶化
     Heat and stir the mixture of sugar and taro purée until sugar dissolved
2. 用小火邊煮邊逐少逐少加入忌廉攪勻
     Add cream little by little and stir well on low heat
3. 雪凍 
     Let cold in refrigerator 
4. 打至硬身入唧袋待用
     Whip to stiff before piping 

組合  To assemble  
1. 在半圓模倒入一層慕絲
     Pour a layer of mousse into hemisphere mould
2. 輕輕壓入上半份海綿蛋糕
     Gently press top half of sponge cake into mousse

3. 再倒入另一層慕絲後輕輕壓入下半份蛋糕
     Pour another layer of mousse and press in the other half of cake

4. 雪至慕絲硬身
     Refrigerate until set
5. 脫模後在面上唧上芋頭忌廉
     Remove cake from mould then pipe taro cream on
6. 在底部粘上椰絲
     Sprinkle shredded coconut at the base
7. 放上裝飾即可
     Decorate as required 

