聖誕節除了擺放聖誕樹裝飾外,薑餅屋都頗受歡迎的,所以許多商店會有現成gingerbread house kit售賣,一盒裏包含已經焗好的餅乾配件,糖霜和糖果,父母就可以和小朋友們一起製作自己獨有的成品,是一種不錯的親子活動!
薑餅 Gingerbread cookies
薑餅 Gingerbread cookies
已軟牛油 Soften butter 250g
糖 Sugar 200g
蛋 Egg 2 pcs
黑糖蜜 Molasses 330g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 800g
薑粉 Ginger powder 15g
玉桂粉 Ground cinnamon 15g
丁香粉 Ground clove 5g
鹽 Salt 5g
1. 麵粉過篩加入香料粉和鹽拌勻待用
Mix sifted flour , spices and salt well
Mix sifted flour , spices and salt well
2. 牛油加糖打至浮身後加黑糖蜜和蛋攪勻
Cream butter and sugar to fluffy then add molasses and eggs
3. 加入麵粉攪勻成團
Mix with flour mixture to form a dough
4. 將麵團分成數份包保鮮桿薄
Divide into portions then wraps each portion with plastic film
5. 放入雪櫃鬆弛過夜
Rest in refrigerator for overnight
Rest in refrigerator for overnight
6. 在焗紙上桿薄麵團約 1/2 厘米厚
Roll out the dough on baking mat to about 1/2cm thick
7. 用模級出裁切所有組件(也可用紙様裁切)
Cut house parts with cutter (or cut with template)
8. 在窗口部分放上硬糖
Place hard candy at window section
Place hard candy at window section
9. 用180c 焗 10-15分鐘
Bake at 180c for 10-15 mins
10. 在已放涼的組件上唧上蛋白糖霜裝飾然後用蛋白糖霜粘合
10. 在已放涼的組件上唧上蛋白糖霜裝飾然後用蛋白糖霜粘合
Decorate and assemble parts with royal icing