栗子忌廉蛋糕 Chestnut Shortcake
在多倫多買到的栗子可能因為長途運輸,內衣已經硬化和頑固粘付在肉上,因為要做栗子甘露煮和希望可保持栗子的完整,要浸水逐粒逐粒用刀刮去內衣,真考耐性 😥
而栗子甘露煮的做法是將栗子放在糖水中煮沸後,用文火煮約一小時至煮至軟即可,糖和水的比例是1份糖3份水,而如果做大量的話,可以將已煮好的甘露煮放入mason jar 裏,封蓋放入高身煲中,加水蓋過玻璃樽至少有一吋,煮沸後再煮多15分鐘,即可拿出來待涼,涼後在蓋中央按壓一下,如果是實淨的話,即封口成功,可以貯存在陰涼地方,如不就需要貯存於雪櫃和盡快食用。
雪芳蛋糕 Chiffon cake
奶 Milk 130g
牛油 Butter 70g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 160g
粟粉 Corn starch 15g
蛋黃 Egg yolk 8 pcs
蛋白 Egg white 8 pcs
糖 Sugar 糖 160g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1 tbsp
1. 麵粉加粟粉過篩待用
Mix and sift cake flour and corn starch
Mix and sift cake flour and corn starch
2. 加熱奶和牛油,然後加入巳篩粉類攪勻
Heat milk and butter then add sifted flour
3. 加入蛋黃攪勻至滑身
Whisk egg yolks with the batter until smooth
Whisk egg yolks with the batter until smooth
4. 蛋白加檸檬汁加糖打至硬
Whip egg whites ,lemon juice and sugar to soft peak
5. 將1/3蛋白加入麵糊中攪拌至全混合
5. 將1/3蛋白加入麵糊中攪拌至全混合
Whisk 1/3 meringue in batter until fully incorporated
6. 再將餘下蛋白卷入即可
Fold in remaining meringue
7. 倒入8吋圓模用 160c 焗約 1 小時
Pour into 8' round mould then bake at 160c for about 1 hr
8. 蛋糕待涼後片成3等份
Cut into 3 slices after cake is cooled
甜忌廉 Chantilly cream
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 400g
糖霜 Icing sugar 40g
溫呢拿 Vanilla 1 tsp
1. 將所有材料混合然後坐冰水打起至企身待用
Mix all ingredients and whip over ice water to stiff
Mix all ingredients and whip over ice water to stiff
栗子醬 Chestnut paste
栗子蓉 Chestnut purée 1 can
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 120g
糖 Sugar 75g
牛油 Butter 30g
1. 加熱糖和忌廉至糖溶化然後放入牛油
Heat cream and sugar until sugar dissolved then add butter
Heat cream and sugar until sugar dissolved then add butter
2. 加栗子蓉攪勻過篩
Mix with chestnut purée then sift
3. 雪1小時至凍後入唧袋待用
Refrigerate for 1 hr and ready for piping
Refrigerate for 1 hr and ready for piping
組合 To assemble
1. 在蛋糕片上抹上一層薄薄忌廉
Spread a thin layer of cream on a cake slice
Spread a thin layer of cream on a cake slice
2. 排上切成小粒的栗子甘露煮
Arrange diced sweeten chestnuts
3. 再抹上忌廉後放上另一蛋糕片
Spread another layer of cream then place another cake slice
4. 重覆此步驟一次
Repeat this step
Repeat this step
5. 在蛋糕周圍和頂部抹上薄薄一層忌廉
Cover side and top with a thin layer of cream
6. 在周圍粘上已焗杏仁片
Affix roasted almond flakes to side of cake
7. 在面上唧上栗子醬然後篩上糖霜
7. 在面上唧上栗子醬然後篩上糖霜
Pipe chestnut paste on top surface then sift on icing sugar
8. 放上全粒栗子甘露煮,開心果和朱古力片作裝飾
8. 放上全粒栗子甘露煮,開心果和朱古力片作裝飾
Decorate with sweeten chestnuts, pistachios and chocolate