基本麵包麵團 Bread dough
高筋粉 Bread flour 570g
糖 Sugar 50g
酵母 yeast 8g
鹽 Salt 5g
牛油 Butter 50g
奶 Milk 300g
湯種 Tong Zhong
高筋粉 Bread flour 30g
水/奶 Water/milk 150g
1. 麵粉加水/奶攪勻
Mix flour and water/milk well
Mix flour and water/milk well
2. 微波爐加熱30秒,拿出來攪拌
Microwave 30 sec then stir well
Microwave another 20-30 sec and stir well
4. 待涼至室溫即可用
Let cool to room temp and ready for use
做法 Instructions
1. 雞脾加鹽,糖,生抽,老抽,薑蓉和乾葱蓉醃過夜
Mix drumsticks with salt, sugar, light and dark soy sauce, ginger and shallot then leave to marinade for overnight
2. 用250c烤焗至熟然後待涼
Bake at 250c until done then let cool
3. 將所有麵包材料和湯種攪至起筋
Mix all ingredients of bread dough and tong zhong. Knead until a elastic dough is formed
4. 一發至2倍大
Let proof until doubled
5. 將麵團排氣,分成12份滾圓後用布蓋上休息10-15分鐘
Punch dough down to remove air then divide into 12 portions. Roll each portion into a ball then rest 10-15mins
6. 將小麵團擀成長型然後反轉捲成條狀,再休息10-15分鐘
Roll out each dough balls. Flip and roll up to form a strip then rest again for 10-15mins
7. 將麵團頭尾擀開反轉包入雞脾
Roll out both ends then flip. Wrap each dough with a cooked drumstick
8. 在包面噴水後曬上芝麻裝飾
9. 二發至2倍大
Let proof until doubled
10. 在包面掃蛋,用200c焗13-15分鐘
Brush tops with egg wash then bake at 200 c for 13-15mins