港式椰撻 HK styled coconut tarts
撻皮 Tart shell
室溫軟牛油 Soften butter 180g
糖 Sugar 35g
蛋 Egg 30g
奶 Milk 10g
鹽 少許 Salt a pinch
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 270g
1. 牛油加糖攪勻混合
Mix butter and sugar until just combined
2. 加蛋,奶和鹽攪拌至混合
Add egg, milk and salt and mix well
3. 然後加入已篩麵粉輕輕搓成團
Add sifted flour and knead lightly to form a dough
4. 用保鮮紙包好放入雪櫃雪至少4小時
Wrap with plastic film and refrigerate for at least 4hours and ready for use
5. 在撻模中掐上撻皮,放在雪櫃待用
Shape dough in tart mould then refrigerate before use
椰絲餡 Coconut filling
椰絲 Shredded coconut 70g
糖 Sugar 70g
水 Water 70g
牛油溶液 Melted butter 30g
蛋 Egg 2 pc
奶 Milk 20g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 10g
發粉 Baking powder 1 tsp
1. 水加糖加熱至糖溶解然後加入椰絲
Heat water and sugar until sugar dissolved then add shredded coconut
2. 待涼至水份被椰絲吸
Let cool to water is absorbed by shredded coconut
3. 加入雞蛋和牛油溶液攪勻
Add egg and butter then stir well
4. 篩入麵粉和發粉拌勻即可
Sift cake flour and baking powder in and stir well
5. 分入已準備好的撻殻中至8分滿
Pour into prepared tart moulds to about 3/4 of volume
6. 180 c 焗10分鐘然後降至 150c 焗多20分鐘
Bake at 180c for 10mins then bake 150c for 20mins