第一次接觸到用攪拌機做芝士蛋糕是在電視的廣告,於是試試,發覺好處不只方便,而是比起用hand mixer 手提打蛋機,它會打得更均勻幼滑,不會起粒粒,不用過篩,得到的效果更好!
海綿蛋糕 Sponge cake
蛋 Egg 2pc
糖 Sugar 40g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 45g
牛油溶液 Melted butter 17g
1. 蛋加糖座熱水攪和至暖/約40c
Whisk egg and sugar in hot water bath until mixture is warm/about 40c
2. 離熱水後打至硬
Remove from hot water and whip until stiff
3. 分三次輕輕捲入已篩麵粉
Gently fold in sifted flour by 3 times
4. 最後加入已溶牛油
Incorporate melted butter
5. 倒入5" 圓模中,180c焗約20-25 分鐘
Pour into 5" round mold and bake at 180c for 20-25 mins
6. 蛋糕涼後,裁切成4" 圓蛋糕片待用
Slice and cut the cake into 4" cake slice
7. 將剩餘的蛋糕過篩成為幼細蛋糕碎
Press the left over cake through a sift to make fine crumbles
烤焗芝士層 Baked cheesecake
烤焗芝士層 Baked cheesecake
忌廉芝士 Cream cheese 150g
凍芝士層 No baked cheesecake
牛油溶液 Melted butter 20g
糖 Sugar 40g
蛋 Egg 2 pcs
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1 tbsp
1. 將所有材料放入攪拌機中打至幼滑即可
Blend all ingredients until smooth
凍芝士層 No baked cheesecake
忌廉芝士 Cream cheese 100g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1 tbsp
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1 tbsp
糖 Sugar 40g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 140g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 5g
奶 Milk 65g
1. 將忌廉芝士和青檸汁放在攪拌機中打至幼滑
Blend cream cheese and lemon juice until smooth
2. 糖加魚膠粉拌勻然後加奶攪勻,加熱至魚膠和糖溶化
Mix sugar and gelatin powder well then add milk
Heat the mixture until sugar and gelatin dissolved
3. 將熱奶溶液加入芝士糊中再開機打勻
Pour hot milk mixture into cheese batter and blend again
4. 打起淡忌廉約5-6成然後捲入芝士糊中
Whip cream to thicken then fold into the cheese batter
做法 Method
1. 蛋糕片放在模底
Put a cake slice at the bottom of cake mold
2. 然後將烤焗芝士糊倒入蛋糕模中,盤底加水,將模放在架上,用180c 焗 20分鐘
Pour over the baked- cheesecake batter
3. 在已涼的蛋糕面上,倒入凍芝士糊,雪至硬身
Pour over the no-baked cheesecake then refridgate
4. 脫模後,在周圍抺上打起忌廉
5. 然後黏上蛋糕碎
6. 放上裝飾