2018年2月5日 星期一

 白朱古力慕絲蛋糕 White chocolate mousse cake

White chocolate mousse cake 白朱古力慕絲蛋糕

本來想在白朱古力中加入玫瑰花水,但因為是拿去port luck 聚會給朋友賀生日,怕他們不能接受,所以放棄了。

雪芳蛋糕 Chiffon cake 
蛋黃 Egg yolk 6 pcs
牛油 Butter 70g
奶 Milk 90g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 100g
蛋白 Egg white 6 pcs
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 2 tsp
糖 Sugar 100g
1. 加熱奶和牛油,然後加入巳篩粉類攪勻
    Heat milk and butter then add sifted flour 
2. 加入蛋黃攪勻過篩待用
     Whisk egg yolks with the batter until smooth then sift  
3. 蛋白加檸檬汁加糖打至硬
     Whip egg whites ,lemon juice and sugar to soft peak 
4. 將1/3蛋白加入麵糊中攪拌至全混合
     Whisk 1/3 meringue until fully incorporated 
5. 再將餘下蛋白卷入即可
     Fold in remaining meringue 
6. 倒入8"圓模 用170c 焗約 40-45 分鐘
     Bake about 40-45 mins at 170c in 8" round mould
7. 脫模涼後裁切成2片蛋糕圓片
    Cut and slice into 2 round cake slices

白朱古力慕絲 White chocolate mousse
白朱古力 White chocolate 160g
奶 Milk 90g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 8g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 350g
1. 白朱古力加熱至半溶
    Heat white chocolate to half-melted 
2. 魚膠加奶後加熱至魚膠溶化
    Heat gelatin and milk until gelatin  melted 
3. 將魚膠液倒入朱古力中攪拌均勻後,待涼至暖/40c
     Pour milk mixture into chocolate and stir to mix. Let cool to warm/40c
4. 打起忌廉至5成
     Whip cream to thicken but not stiff
5. 將忌廉和朱古力糊混合好即可
     Fully incorporate whipped cream with chocolate mixture 

士多啤梨紅莓慕絲 Strawberry raspberry mousse
士多啤梨果蓉 Strawberry purée 70g
紅莓果蓉 Raspberry purée 70g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1 tbsp
糖 Sugar 45g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 6g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 140g
1. 士多啤梨果蓉,紅莓果蓉和檸檬汁拌勻待用
    Mix strawberry purée, raspberry purée and lemon juice 
2. 將魚膠粉和糖混合,然後加入攪勻
    Mix gelatin powder and sugar then add into the fruit mixture
3. 加熱至糖和魚膠溶解即可
     Heat until sugar and gelatin dissolved
4. 待涼至暖/40c
     Let the mixture cool to warm/40c
5. 打起淡忌亷至約5-6成
     Whip cream to thicken 
6. 加水果混合物拌勻
     Mix cream with fruit mixture 
7. 倒入7"圓模後放冰櫃雪至硬身
    Pour into 7"round mould and refrigerate in freezer 

組合 assembly 
1. 在8"圎慕絲圏底網上保鮮紙然後倒入一層白朱古力慕絲
    Mount plastic wrap at the base of 8" round mould then pour into a layer of chocolate mousse
2. 輕輕壓入一片蛋糕,倒入薄薄一層白朱古力慕絲
     Gently press in a cake slice then pour over a layer of chocolate mousse

3. 放入已雪硬的士多啤梨紅莓慕絲,倒入薄薄一層白朱古力慕絲
     Place the frozen fruit mousse then pour into the remaining chocolate mouss

4. 最後輕輕壓入蛋糕片至慕絲同一水平,用抹刀抺去多餘慕絲
     Gently press in a cake slice to level with chocolate mousse then remove  excess by a spatula

5. 入冰櫃雪至冰硬
     Frozen in freezer
6. 脫模後放上水果等和圉上膠片絲帶作裝飾即可
     Wrap with a plastic strip and ribbon after remove cake from mould
     Decorate as desired

