2018年4月25日 星期三

簡易葡撻 Portuguese custard tart

此餡料蛋漿是用了creme brulee 法式焦糖燉蛋的配方,所以如將蛋漿加入溫呢拿,放入小碗中(最好用ramekins) ,用180c水浴法焗烤,出爐後雪至凍,食時灑上沙糖,用火槍燒至糖溶化變色,就成成為另一款美味甜品 !😋

蛋漿 Custard
蛋黃 Egg yolk 4 pcs
奶 Milk 100g
糖 Sugar 50g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 200g
1. 將奶加熱至暖後加糖攪勻至溶化
    Warm milk and add sugar then stir well until sugar dissolved
2. 攪開蛋黃然後倒入奶攪勻
     Whisk milk mixture into egg yolks 
3. 倒入淡忌廉拌勻
     Add cream then mix well
4. 過篩後放入雪櫃過夜
     Strain to remove any lump then refrigerate overnight 

撻皮 Tart shell
急凍牛油酥皮1 塊 Store bought frozen butter puff pastry  1 sheet

1. 將已解冰酥皮捲成圓筒狀然後平均切成12份
    Roll thawed pastry into a long cylinder shape then cut into 12 portions

2. 將年輪紋朝上然後桿開成圓片然後放入撻模中
     Roll out each portion with swirl pattern faced up then line in the molds

3. 從底部一面轉一面推把酥皮摙高過撻模邊
     Push the pastry from bottom to the rim until pastry slightly higher than the rim

4. 放入雪櫃鬆弛一晚
     Rest in refrigerator overnight 
5. 倒入蛋漿至八成滿
     Fill each tart shell up to 80%

6. 放在焗爐最底層,用250c焗約20-25分鐘
    Bake at 250c for about 20-25 mins on bottom rack

