2018年1月29日 星期一

士多啤梨淋面蛋糕 Strawberry mirror glaze cake

Strawberry mousse mirror glaze cake 士多啤梨慕絲淋面蛋糕

現在矽膠蛋糕模的設計都很漂亮,所以見到喜歡的就忍不住要買回家。其中最愛這個飛碟型,簡單得來可塑性高,約6吋大,成品最適合我家人少 😋

朱古力雪芳蛋糕 Chocolate chiffon cake
蛋黃 Egg yolk 2 pc
奶 Milk 30g
油 Oil 25g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 30g
可可粉 Cocoa powder 5g
蛋白 Egg white 2 pc
糖 Sugar 30g
他他粉 Cream of tartar  1/8 tsp
1. 麵粉加可可粉拌勻過篩待用
    Mix cocoa powder and cake flour well then sift
2. 加熱奶和牛油,然後加入巳篩粉類攪勻
     Heat milk and butter then add sifted flour 
3. 加入蛋黃攪勻 
     Whisk egg yolks with the batter until smooth 
4. 蛋白加他他粉加糖打至硬
     Whip egg whites , cream of tartar and sugar to soft peak 
5. 將1/3蛋白加入麵糊中攪拌至全混合
    Whisk 1/3 meringue until fully incorporated
6. 再將餘下蛋白卷入即可
     Fold in remaining meringue 
7.  倒入6" 圓模,用170c焗約20-25分鐘
     Pour into 6" round mold then bake at 170c for about 20-25mins
8.  蛋糕涼後裁切成2片5" 圓蛋糕片
      Slice and cut the cooled cake into 2 round 5"cake slices

脆脆層 Crunchy filling
甜杏仁 Honey roasted almond 40g
薄脆片Feuilletine 60g
開心果醬 Pistachio paste 60g
黑朱古力 Dark chocolate 40g
1. 甜杏仁切碎待用
    Chop roasted almond into small chunks
2. 朱古力坐熱水至溶後加入開心果醬拌勻
     Melt chocolate over hot water bath then stir in pistachio paste
3. 離熱水後加入薄脆片和杏仁碎拌勻即可
     Remove from water bath then add feuilletine and chopped almonds

士多啤梨慕絲 Strawberry mousse
士多啤梨蓉 Strawberry purée 200g
糖 Sugar 40g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 8g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 200g
1. 將魚膠粉和糖混合,然後加士多啤梨蓉攪勻
    Mix gelatin and sugar, then add in strawberry purée
2. 加熱至糖和魚膠溶解即可
     Heat mixture until sugar and gelatin dissolved
3. 待涼至暖約40c
     Let cool to warm/40c
4. 打起淡忌亷至約5-6成
     Whip cream to thicken but not stiff
5. 加士多啤梨混合物拌勻即可待用
     Mix cream with strawberry mixture and ready to use

白朱古力淋面 Mirror glaze
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 115g
葡萄糖漿 Glucose 100g
白朱古力 White chocolate 100g
水 Water 35g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 6g
1. 魚膠粉加水拌勻待用
    Mix gelatin and water
2. 將忌廉和糖漿混合加熱至剛沸
     Heat cream and glucose syrup to just boil
3. 加入魚膠
     Add bloomed gelatin mass then stir well
4. 然後倒入白朱古力中然後攪開至朱古力全溶化
     Pour over into white chocolate then stir well
5. 加入食用色素混合好
     Add icing color 
6. 保鲜紙貼面待涼至35c即可用作淋面
     Cover with the surface with plastic film then let cool to 35c

Assembly 組合

1. 將脆脆層平均放在5"圓模㡳然後放上一片蛋糕片,入冰櫃雪硬然後脫模待用
    Spread a layer of crunchy filling at the bottom of a 5" round mould then place a cake slice on top
     Freeze until harden then remove from mould before use
2. 在矽膠模底倒入一層慕絲然後輕輕壓入蛋糕片
     Pour a layer of mousse at bottom of silicon mould then gently press in a cake slice

3. 倒入慕絲糊蓋過蛋糕片,唧上士多啤梨果占
     Pour mousse to cover the cake then pipe in some strawberry jam

4. 倒入剩餘的慕絲糊後,輕輕壓入脆脆層和蛋糕片至和慕絲同一水平
     Pour all remaining mousse. Gently press in the frozen crunchy cake slice

5. 入冰櫃雪過夜至硬實
     Freeze until whole cake is hard iced
6. 脫模後立即淋上白朱古力淋面
     Remove from mould then pour over the mirror glaze


