餡料 Filling
糖冬瓜 Candied melon 200g
加工糕粉 Fried glutinous flour 50g
油/豬油 Oil/lard 5g
水 Water 100g
1. 將糖冬瓜切細加水然後用攪拌機打至幼細
Mix chopped candied melon with water then blend until fine
Mix chopped candied melon with water then blend until fine
2. 加入糕粉和油份攪勻成團
Add fried glutinous flour and oil/lard then mix well
Add fried glutinous flour and oil/lard then mix well
4. 分成 12份待用
Divide into 12 portions
Divide into 12 portions
油心 Lard dough
豬油 Lard 55g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 105g
1. 將豬油和麵粉搓勻
Mix and knead all ingredients into a smooth dough
Mix and knead all ingredients into a smooth dough
2. 分成 12份待用
Divide into 12 portions
Divide into 12 portions
水皮 Water dough
豬油 Lard 55g
水 Water 80g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 135g
1. 在粉堆中間推開加水和豬油
Make a well in centre of flour then add lard and water
Make a well in centre of flour then add lard and water
2. 慢慢混合搓成黏手麵團
Mix into a sticky dough
3. 在麵團上灑滿粉然後分成12份待用
Sprinkle flour then divide into 12 portions
Sprinkle flour then divide into 12 portions
做法 Instructions
1. 在水皮上灑粉輕輕壓平然後包入油心
Lightly sprinkle flour on water dough and flatten then wrap around lard dough
Lightly sprinkle flour on water dough and flatten then wrap around lard dough
2. 桿開成長型後捲起
Roll out then roll up the dough
Roll out then roll up the dough
3. 把兩端捏向中心輕輕壓扁
Pinch the ends toward centre then flatten
Pinch the ends toward centre then flatten
4. 桿成圓片狀包入餡料後再桿成餅型
Roll out the dough and wrap the filling in then roll out into round
Roll out the dough and wrap the filling in then roll out into round
5. 蛋黃加蜜糖攪勻然後掃上餅面
Brush the tops with egg yolks and honey
Brush the tops with egg yolks and honey
6. 用180 c 焗約 20-25分鐘
Bake at 180c for 20-25 mins
Bake at 180c for 20-25 mins
回覆刪除加工糕粉 又名 潮州粉 ,特性遇水即黏连