今次將它做成長型,底坐用曲奇酥餅,再把酥皮企直放,給它一個新的做型,多些新鮮 感!
酥皮 Puff pastry
急凍酥皮 Puff pastry 1/2 sheet
1. 在酥皮底面都灑上糖然後輕輕壓實
Sprinkle and gently press sugar on both sides of pastry
Sprinkle and gently press sugar on both sides of pastry
2. 戳洞然後切成正方型
Prick holes then cut into squares
3. 200c焗20分鐘至金黃色
Bake at 200 c for 20 mins
吉士醬 Pastry cream
糖 Sugar 25g
蛋黃 Egg yolk 1 pc
粟粉 Corn starch 10g
奶 Milk 100g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 50g
溫呢拿 Vanilla 1/4 tsp
1. 蛋黃加糖加溫呢拿加粟粉攪勻待用
Stir and mix egg yolk, sugar, vanilla and corn starch
Stir and mix egg yolk, sugar, vanilla and corn starch
2. 煮熱奶然後倒入蛋黃中快手攪勻
Temper with hot milk then stir well
Temper with hot milk then stir well
3. 回鍋邊攪邊煮至杰身
Cook the mixture to thickened
Cook the mixture to thickened
4. 倒入碟中用保鮮紙貼面包上防結皮
Spread on a plate then cover with plastic film
5. 入雪櫃雪至凍
Refrigerate to cold
Refrigerate to cold
6. 攪開吉士成滑身後加入打起忌廉拌勻即可入唧袋待用
泡芙 Choux pastry
牛油 Butter 20g
奶 Milk 25g
水 Water 25g
鹽少許 Salt a pinch
糖 Sugar 1 g
中筋麵粉 All purpose flour 30g
蛋 Egg 60-70g
焦糖 Caramel glaze
糖 Sugar 60g
水 Water 20g
1. 牛油加奶加水加糖和鹽中火煮至沸起即倒入麵粉反覆攪勻
Boil butter, milk, water, sugar and salt then stir in flour
2. 邊煮邊攪至㷛底結皮即可離火
Boil butter, milk, water, sugar and salt then stir in flour
2. 邊煮邊攪至㷛底結皮即可離火
Keep stirring the dough on medium heat until a skin formed at the base
3. 將麵團全部移入大碗中不停攪拌至溫度略降
Scrape the dough into mixing bowl then stir to cool down a bit
Scrape the dough into mixing bowl then stir to cool down a bit
4. 分3-4次加入雞蛋攪勻
Blend in egg by 3 to 4 time and mix well
5. 入唧袋唧成小球狀,用180c 焗約25-30分鐘
Pipe and bake at 180c for 25-30mins
Pipe and bake at 180c for 25-30mins
6. 出爐待涼後在底部戳一個洞唧入吉士醬
Poke a hole at the base of each puff then fill with pastry cream
7. 出爐待涼後在底部戳一個洞唧入吉士醬
8. 將泡芙頂粘上熱糖漿
Dip each cream puff into hot caramel
9. 反轉放上焗爐墊上待涼成脆糖
Place on baking mat and let cool
牛油酥餅 Biscuits sable
已軟牛油 Soften butter 40g
糖霜 Icing sugar 20g
糖霜 Icing sugar 20g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 60g
杏仁粉 Ground almonds 20g
蛋白 Egg white 15g
鹽少許 Salt pinch
1. 已篩麵粉加杏仁粉加鹽混合好待用
Mix sifted flour, ground almonds and salt
2. 己軟牛油加糖霜攪勻
Cream soften butter with icing sugar
3. 加入粉類和蛋白拌勻
Mix sifted flour, ground almonds and salt
2. 己軟牛油加糖霜攪勻
Cream soften butter with icing sugar
3. 加入粉類和蛋白拌勻
Add flour mixture and egg white
4. 輕輕搓成團
Roughly knead to form a dough
5. 包保鮮紙雪過夜
Wrap with plastic film then rest in refrigerator for overnight
Roughly knead to form a dough
5. 包保鮮紙雪過夜
Wrap with plastic film then rest in refrigerator for overnight
6. 桿薄麵團約3mm厚,然後切成長方型
Roll out the dough to 3mm thick and cut into rectangles
Roll out the dough to 3mm thick and cut into rectangles
7. 用180c焗15 分鐘
Bake at 180c for 15 mins
Bake at 180c for 15 mins