2018年1月26日 星期五

菠蘿杏仁撻 Pineapple almond tart

Almond tart 杏仁撻


撻皮 Tart shell
室溫軟牛油 Soften butter 180g
糖 Sugar  35g
蛋 Egg 30g
奶 Milk 10g
鹽  少許 Salt a pinch 
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 270g
1. 牛油加糖攪勻混合
    Mix butter and sugar until just combined     
2. 加蛋,奶和鹽攪拌至混合
    Add egg, milk and salt and mix well    
3. 然後加入已篩麵粉輕輕搓成團
    Add sifted flour and knead lightly to form a dough
4. 用保鮮紙包好放入雪櫃雪至少4小時
     Wrap with plastic film and refrigerate for at least 4hours and ready for use

杏仁醬餡料 Almond paste filling
已軟牛油 Soften butter 120g
糖 Sugar 120g
蛋 Egg 2 pcs
杏仁粉 Almond flour 90g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 60g
1. 杏仁粉加已篩麵粉攪勻待用
     Mix almond flour with sifted flour
2. 牛油加糖打至變白浮身
     Beat butter and sugar until fluffy
3. 加入蛋攪勻
    Add eggs and mix well
4. 加入粉類拌勻即可
    Add flour mixture and mix well

做法 Method 
1. 將撻皮麵團檊薄然後移放入模中
    Roll out tart shell pastry then transfer to tart pan

2. 輕輕將撻皮壓向周圍成型,用刀從邊緣批去多撻皮
    Gently press pastry to all sides of pan and trim off excess

3. 入雪櫃鬆弛
     Rest in refrigerator 
4. 预備好杏仁餡料然後放入模中抹平
     Prepare almond filling then spread on the tart shell

5. 將菠蘿壓入餡料中
     Press pineapple chunks down in the filling

6. 用180c焗約1 小時
     Bake at 180c for about 1 hr
7. 出爐後可以在面上掃上鏡面果膠
    Spread mirror glaze on top of the finished tart

