浸泡酸櫻桃的糖水的味道其實是不錯的,充滿櫻桃的香味,所以不要浪費它。如果在夏天,加入有汽礦泉水做飲品,真可媲美巿售的汽水,而今次就用來做啫喱面層,也可物盡其用! 😊🍒
朱古力雪芳蛋糕 Chocolate chiffon cake
蛋黃 Egg yolk 3 pcs
奶 Milk 45g
油 Oil 40g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 45g
可可粉 Cocoa powder 7g
蛋白 Egg white 3 pcs
糖 Sugar 45g
他他粉 Cream of tartar 1/8 tsp
1. 麵粉加可可粉拌勻過篩待用
Mix cocoa powder and cake flour well then sift
2. 加熱奶和牛油,然後加入巳篩粉類攪勻
Heat milk and butter then add sifted flour
3. 加入蛋黃攪勻
Whisk egg yolks with the batter until smooth
4. 蛋白加他他粉加糖打至硬
Whip egg whites , cream of tartar and sugar to soft peak
5. 將1/3蛋白加入麵糊中攪拌至全混合
Whisk 1/3 meringue until fully incorporated
6. 再將餘下蛋白卷入即可
Fold in remaining meringue
7. 倒入8吋圓模,用170c焗約25分鐘
Pour into 8" round mold then bake at 170c for about 25mins
8. 蛋糕涼後裁切成2片7吋圓蛋糕片
Slice and cut the cooled cake into 2 round 7" cake slices
脆脆層 Crunchy filling
甜杏仁 Honey roasted almond 40g
薄脆片Feuilletine 60g
開心果醬 Pistachio paste 60g
黑朱古力 Dark chocolate 40g
1. 甜杏仁切碎待用
2. 朱古力坐熱水至溶後加入開心果醬拌勻
3. 離熱水後加入薄脆片和杏仁碎拌勻
Remove from water bath then add feuilletine and chopped almonds
4. 將脆脆層平均放在7" 圓模㡳然後放上一片蛋糕片,入冰櫃雪硬然後脫模待用
Spread a layer of crunchy filling at the bottom of a 7" round mould then place a cake slice on top
芝士慕絲 cheese mousse
忌廉芝士 Cream cheese 250g
酸忌廉 Sour cream 80g
糖 Sugar 80g
奶 Milk 160g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 10g
淡忌廉 Cream35% 300g
1. 將忌廉芝士和酸忌廉放在攪拌機中打至幼滑
Blend cream cheese and lemon juice until smooth
2. 糖加魚膠粉拌勻然後加奶攪勻,加熱至魚膠和糖溶化
Mix sugar and gelatin powder well then add milk
Heat the mixture until sugar and gelatin dissolved
3. 將熱奶溶液加入芝士糊中再開機打勻
Pour hot milk mixture into cheese batter and blend again
4. 打起淡忌廉約5-6成然後捲入芝士糊中
Whip cream to thicken then fold into the cheese batter
啫喱面層 Jelly topping
浸櫻桃糖水 Cherry syrup 300g
魚膠粉Gelatin 8g
1. 將小部分糖水加魚膠粉拌勻待魚膠吸收發漲
Boom gelatine with some cherry syrup
2. 把剩餘糖水加熱後放入魚膠煮至溶化
Heat up the remaining syrup then stir in boomed gelatine
Continue heating until gelatine dissolved
3. 待涼至室溫即可
Let cool to room temperature
1. 把脆㡳蛋糕片放在8"圓模(已用膠片圍邊)厎中
Place crunchy cake slice at the bottom of a 8" cake mould(lined with plastic strip)
2. 倒入一層慕絲糊蓋過蛋糕然後排入酸櫻桃
3. 倒入一層慕絲糊蓋過酸櫻桃然後輕輕壓入蛋糕片
4. 倒入剩餘慕絲糊蓋過蛋糕
Cover the cake with remaining mousse
5. 雪至慕絲硬身後倒入已涼啫喱面
Refrigerate until mousse set the pour over the jelly topping
6. 再雪至啫喱硬身
Refrigerate again until jelly topping set
7. 放上朱古力裝飾即可
Decorate with chocolate