車厘子芝士夏綠蒂 Cherry cheese Charlotte
手指餅Ladyfinger (不是嘉頓手指餅)的質感近似海棉蛋糕多過餅乾,所以會用上它做甜點,如 tiramisu , Charlotte 等⋯
車厘子糖水 Cherry syrup
車厘子蓉 Cherry purée 50g
糖 Sugar 5g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1 tbsp
冧酒 Rum 1 tsp
1. 車厘子蓉加糖加熱至糖溶然後待涼
Heat cherry purée and sugar until sugar dissolved then let cool
2. 加入檸檬汁和冧酒攪勻即可
Add lemon juice and rum
1. 車厘子蓉加糖加熱至糖溶然後待涼
Heat cherry purée and sugar until sugar dissolved then let cool
2. 加入檸檬汁和冧酒攪勻即可
Add lemon juice and rum
意式軟芝士 Mascarpone cheese 110g
糖 Sugar 25g
奶 Milk 40g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 10g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 4g
水 Water 25g
淡忌廉 Whipping cream 120g
1. 水加魚膠粉攪勻待用
Mix water and gelatin then set aside
Mix water and gelatin then set aside
2. 將芝士,糖和檸檬汁攪勻
Mix and stir mascarpone , sugar and lemon juice
Mix and stir mascarpone , sugar and lemon juice
3. 加入熱奶打勻
Add hot milk and stir well
Add hot milk and stir well
4. 魚膠用微波爐叮15-20秒然後放入芝士糊中攪勻
Microwave gelatin mixture for 15-20sec then add into cheese batter
Microwave gelatin mixture for 15-20sec then add into cheese batter
5. 打起淡忌廉約5-6成然後捲入芝士糊中
Whip cream to thicken and fold into cheese mixture
組合 To assemble
Whip cream to thicken and fold into cheese mixture
組合 To assemble
1. 將手指餅切成所需大小然後排在邊位和㡳部
Cut the lady finger biscuits then arrange them into cake mould
Cut the lady finger biscuits then arrange them into cake mould
2. 在㡳部餅面掃上糖水
Brush the bottom layer of biscuits with syrup
Brush the bottom layer of biscuits with syrup
3. 倒入一層芝士糊排入已蘸糖水的手指餅
Pour a layer of cheese batter and place dipped biscuit on
Pour a layer of cheese batter and place dipped biscuit on
4. 再倒入一層芝士糊
Pour cheese batter
Pour cheese batter
5. 雪至硬身
Refrigerate until set
Refrigerate until set
6. 脫模後裝飾
Remove from mould and decorate
Remove from mould and decorate