就好似 banana bread,它是香蕉做的蛋糕而不是麵包,可是在許多譯版食譜中都會寫成香蕉麵包,而cornbread 就是另外的一個例子了。
今次用 cornmeal 做真正麵包,而不是蛋糕。它比普通的白麵包多了些微微粟米味,咀嚼中能感受到粟米的纖維,食味多了變化。
而用cornmeal 來做蛋糕的話,則口感比較粗糙,並不是我杯茶。 😅
玉米麵 Cornmeal 75g
奶 Milk 450g
酵母 Yeast 8g
糖 Sugar 40g
高筋麵粉 Bread flour 570g + 30g
鹽 Salt 5g
蛋 Egg 2 pcs
牛油 Butter 50g
1. 玉米麵加30g高筋麵粉加奶邊煮邊攪拌至杰身然後待涼
Boil cornmeal, 30g bread flour and milk and stir until thickened then let cool
Boil cornmeal, 30g bread flour and milk and stir until thickened then let cool
2. 將玉米糊和其他材料混合搓成彈性麵團
Mix cornmeal porridge with all other ingredients and knead into a elastic dough
Mix cornmeal porridge with all other ingredients and knead into a elastic dough
3. 包保鮮紙發酵約1 小時
Wrap and proof for about 1 hr
Wrap and proof for about 1 hr
4. 排氣分成數份滾成圓形鬆弛15分鐘
Divide and roll into balls then rest for 15mins
Divide and roll into balls then rest for 15mins
5. 壓扁麵團桿開然後捲成長條狀
Flatten each dough and roll out then roll into long cylinder
Flatten each dough and roll out then roll into long cylinder
6. 排入麵包盒中發酵1小時
Arrange into bread box and proof for 1 hr
Arrange into bread box and proof for 1 hr
7. 蓋上然後用200c焗40分鐘
Close the lid and bake at 200c for 40 mins
Close the lid and bake at 200c for 40 mins