2016年7月20日 星期三

紫蘇蛋麵 Shiso egg pasta

紫蘇蛋麵 shiso egg pasta


粗麥粉 Semolina flour  200g
蛋 Egg  2 pcs
鹽少許 Salt a pinch 
紫蘇葉 Shiso leaf 4 pcs

1. 紫蘇葉切幼切碎
    Finely chop shiso leaves

2. 將所有材料搓勻成麵團
     Mix and knead all ingredients until a smooth and uniform dough is formed

3. 包保鮮紙鬆弛1小時
     Wrap with plastic film and rest for 1 hr

4. 麵團分成4份
     Divide dough into 4    
5. 壓扁後用最厚度數壓一次
     Flatten the dough and pass through roller with the widest setting 

6. 對摺麵團再壓,重覆此步驟數次
     Fold the dough and pass through roller for several times     
7. 將麵團由厚度數一級一級減厚壓至所需厚薄
     Pass the dough through roll from wide to narrow setting forming a thin sheet   
8. 切成所需濶度
     Pass the sheet through cutting roller    
9. 也可將麵片切成長方型然後在中央捏著一起成蝴蝶狀
     Or cut in rectangle and pinch at the centre as a bow tie

10. 可放在架上吹乾貯存或即可煮熟食用
       Air dry before storing or cook at once

