2016年7月13日 星期三

蕃茄乾法包 Sun dried tomato baguette 

蕃茄乾法包 sun dried tomato baguette

雖然現在的法包祇有少少爆開,但也可做到外脆內軟,連不大喜歡吃麵包的大女都給我一個 like,真是心滿意足了!😚

起種 Starter 
中筋麵粉 All purpose flour  300g
麥芽粉 Diastatic malt powder   1g
冰水 Ice water   200g
酵母 Yeast  1g
鹽 Salt  4g

主麵團 Main dough 
中筋麵粉 All purpose flour  300g
麥芽粉 Diastatic malt powder  2g
冰水  Ice water  200g
酵母 Yeast  2g
鹽 Salt  7g

1. 將起種所有材料混合蓋好室溫中發酵過夜
     Prepare starter by mixing all ingredients then cover and proof at room temperature for overnight 

2. 將主麵圑材料混合好加起種搓勻至可拉出薄膜
     Mix and knead main dough ingredients and starter until pane is formed 

3. 蓋好鬆弛30分鐘後上下左右翻面
     Cover and rest for 30 mins then scratch the dough left and right , up and down     
4. 蓋好發酵1小時後分成4份
     Cover and proof for 1 hr then divide into 4

5. 排氣後滾成圓形鬆弛30分鐘
     Deflate and roll each portion into a ball then cover and rest for 30min

6. 拍扁麵團放上切碎蕃茄乾
     Pat down the dough and sprinkle diced sun dried tomato

7. 將上下半麵團覆向中間用手指按實
     Fold upper and lower edge toward center then seal 

8. 將麵圑上部摺向下部後用手掌壓實
     Fold the upper edge toward lower edge then seal together 

9. 搓成長條型放上烤盤上蓋好發酵1小時
     Roll into long stripe then place on the baking pan and proof for 1 hr

10. 用刀片𠝹直紋然後噴水
       Score the surface and spray with water     
11. 用230c焗約30分鐘
       Bake at 230c for 30mins

