2016年7月5日 星期二

香菇型包子 Steamed mushroom bun 

香菇形包子 streamed mushroom buns

回家後心思思想試試自己做,於是上網大搜查,得到的結論是做法同做 tiger bread 差不多,在面上搽上米粉糊,當包包發酵變大後,裂紋就會出現,好似花菇的紋路一樣。

中筋麵粉 All purpose flour   100g
糖 Sugar  7g
酵母 Yeast   1 tsp
奶 Milk  55g
油 Oil   1 Tbsp
鹽少許 Salt a pinch

1. 將所有材料混合搓成光滑不粘手麵團
     Mix and knead all ingredients to form a smooth dough  
2. 包保鮮紙放在溫暖地方發酵1 小時
     Cover and proof in warm place for 1 hr    
3. 將已發酵好麵團壓扁排氣後桿成薄片
     Press down the proofed dough and roll into thin sheet 
4. 捲成長條狀後切成6份
     Roll into long rope shape then cut into 6 portions

5. 桿成圓片狀(中心部分比邊位厚)
     Roll each portion into round shape (center part thicker than rim)    
6. 中心放上豆沙,摺合邊位將餡料包实
     Place red bean paste at the center and pinch the edge to wrap the filling

7. 在包子面上噴水然後粘上粘米粉
     Spray water on the top side and dip into rice flour

8. 將1tsp可可粉,2tsp粘米粉和水開成糊狀掃上包面
     Mix 1 tsp cocoa powder, 2 tsp rice flour and water then brush on the top surface

9. 放入蒸籠加蓋再發酵約45分鐘至裂紋産生
     Proof again in steamer with cover about 45 mins until cracks are formed

10. 水滾後中火蒸約8-10分鐘
       Steam at medium heat for about 8-10 mins

