熊仔麵包 Bear patterned bread
湯種 Tong Zhong choux
高筋粉 Bread flour 30g
水/奶 Water/milk 150g
1. 麵粉加水/奶攪勻
Mix flour and water/milk
Mix flour and water/milk
2. 微波爐加熱30秒,拿出來攪拌
Microwave 30 sec then stir well
Microwave 30 sec then stir well
3. 再入爐加熱約20-30秒,拿出來攪勻成糊狀
Microwave another 20-30 sec and stir well
Microwave another 20-30 sec and stir well
4. 待涼至室溫即可用
Let cool to room temp and ready for use
Let cool to room temp and ready for use
麵包麵團 Bread dough
高筋粉 Bread flour 570g
糖 Sugar 50g
酵母 yeast 8g
鹽 Salt 5g
牛油 Butter 50g
奶 Milk 300g
1. 將所有材料和湯種混合
Mix all ingredients and Tong Zhong choux
Mix all ingredients and Tong Zhong choux
2. 搓成一粘手麵團
Roughly knead into a dough
Roughly knead into a dough
3. 拿取400g 麵團加8g 可可粉搓成不粘手有彈性棕色麵團
Knead 400g bread dough with 8g cocoa powder to smooth and elastic
Knead 400g bread dough with 8g cocoa powder to smooth and elastic
4. 拿取100g 麵團加半茶匙竹炭粉搓成不粘手有彈性黑色麵團
Knead 100g bread dough with 1/2 tsp bamboo charcoal powder to smooth and elastic
Knead 100g bread dough with 1/2 tsp bamboo charcoal powder to smooth and elastic
5. 將剩餘的麵團搓成不粘手有彈性白色麵團
Knead remaining bread dough to smooth and elasti
Knead remaining bread dough to smooth and elasti
6. 包保鮮紙放在溫暖地方發酵1 小時
Cover and proof for 1 hour in warm place
7. 組合 To assemble :Cover and proof for 1 hour in warm place
Roll 2 long and thick rope shape brown dough
Roll 2 long and thick rope shape brown dough
Roll out 2 flat stripes of black dough and stick to sides of each brown dough
Roll out 2 flat stripes of black dough and stick to sides of each brown dough
搓1 條長幼黑色麵團成為鼻子
Roll 1 long and thin rope shape black dough as nose
Roll 1 long and thin rope shape black dough as nose
Roll 2 long and thin rope shape black dough as eyes
Roll out brown dough and wrap the eye dough
Roll out brown dough and wrap the eye dough
Arrange as diagram
Arrange as diagram
Roll out brown dough and wrap the stacked dough
Roll out brown dough and wrap the stacked dough
Roll 2 long and thick brown doughs as ears
Roll 2 long and thick brown doughs as ears
Roll 3 long and thick white doughs to fill up space
Roll 3 long and thick white doughs to fill up space
Arrange as diagra
Arrange as diagra
Roll out white dough and wrap the finished brown dough
Roll out white dough and wrap the finished brown dough
8. 放在圓型麵包盒發酵1 小時
Proof again in a round toast box for about 1 hour
Proof again in a round toast box for about 1 hour
9. 200c 焗約1 小時
Bake at 200c for about 1 hr