2016年6月5日 星期日

日式燒菓子 Japanese cookie

日式燒果子 Japanese cookies

本來在Facebook 專頁分享食譜和做法,但找回以前的食譜比較困難,現在放在blogger中,自己或朋友想要的話,就容易許多了!😊

蛋 Egg   1 pc
牛油溶液 Melted butter  20g
煉奶 Condensed milk  140g
梳打粉 Baking soda   1/2 tsp
發粉 Baking powder   1/2 tsp
低筋麵粉 Cake flour   240g
杏仁粉 Almond flour   20g
餡料 Filling 
鳯梨膏 Pineapple paste /紅豆沙 red bean paste /蓮蓉等 lotus bean paste etc...

1. 低筋麵粉加梳打粉加發粉過篩待用
     Sift cake flour, baking soda and baking powder   
2. 蛋加煉奶混合攪勻
     Stir and mix egg and condensed milk   
3. 倒入牛油溶液攪拌混合
     Add melted butter and stir well

4. 加入已篩粉類和杏仁粉拌勻然後輕輕搓成團
    Add sifted flour and almond flour then lightly knead into a dough     
5. 包保鮮紙入雪櫃鬆弛約1小時
     Wrap with plastic film and rest in refrigerator for about 1 hour

6. 將麵團分成小份(每份20g)後搓成圓形
     Divide dough into portions ( 20g each) then roll into balls    
7. 將餡料分成小份(每份10g)後搓成圓形
     Divide filling into portions (10g each) then roll into balls

8. 壓扁麵團放入餡料
     Flatten a dough and place a filling into      
9. 麵團沿餡料邊一邊轉一邊覆上去直至麵團包實餡料,然後輕輕搓成球狀
     Flap the side around filling and turn with fingers until filling is covered by the dough then roll into a ball
10. 180c 焗約20分鐘
       Bake at 180c for about 20 mins      
11. 可用食用顏色筆畫上圖案裝飾
       Decorate by edible markers

