中式杏仁餅 Chinese almond cookies
Ingredients 材料
綠豆粉 Green bean flour 200g
糖 Sugar 90g
花生 Peanut 80g
橄欖油 Olive oil 70g
已焗杏仁 Roasted almond 30g
芝麻 Sesame seed 30g
奶 Milk 30g
南杏 Apricot almond 10g
粟粉 Corn starch 10g
1. 用白鑊炒香花生去皮
Toast peanut in frying pan and remove skin
Toast peanut in frying pan and remove skin
2. 白鑊炒香南杏和芝麻
Toast apricot almond and sesame seed
Toast apricot almond and sesame seed
3. 杏仁切碎
Chop roasted almond into small pieces
Chop roasted almond into small pieces
4. 將糖,花生,芝麻和南杏放入攪拌機磨碎
Ground sugar, peanut, sesame seed and apricot almond in blender
Ground sugar, peanut, sesame seed and apricot almond in blender
5. 用手混合所有材料成沙粒狀
Mix all ingredients by hand
Mix all ingredients by hand
6. 放粉料入木模然後壓實
Press mixture into wooden mould
Press mixture into wooden mould
7. 平刮去多出的粉料
Scrape off excess
8. 反轉木模敲出杏仁餅
Invert the mould and knock on tray to release cookie
Invert the mould and knock on tray to release cookie
9. 不用預熱,180c底火焗10-12分鐘
Bake at 180c for 8-10 mins without preheating
Bake at 180c for 8-10 mins without preheating
10. 熄火後15分鐘後才出爐
Let sit in oven for 15mins
Let sit in oven for 15mins