撻殼 Tart shell
已軟牛油 Soften butter 40g
糖霜 Icing sugar 20g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 60g
杏仁粉 Ground almonds 20g
蛋白 Egg white 15g
鹽少許 Salt pinch
1. 已篩麵粉加杏仁粉加鹽混合好待用
Mix sifted flour, ground almonds and salt
Mix sifted flour, ground almonds and salt
2. 己軟牛油加糖霜攪勻
Cream soften butter with icing sugar
Cream soften butter with icing sugar
3. 加入粉類和蛋白拌勻
Add flour mixture and egg white
Add flour mixture and egg white
4. 輕輕搓成團
Roughly knead to form a dough
Roughly knead to form a dough
5. 包保鮮紙雪過夜
Wrap with plastic film then rest in refrigerator for overnight
Wrap with plastic film then rest in refrigerator for overnight
6. 桿平約3mm厚後用叉打洞
Roll out the dough to 3mm thick and prick with fork
Roll out the dough to 3mm thick and prick with fork
7. 輕輕壓入撻模中然後切去多餘麵團
Lightly press into tart mould and cut excess dough
Lightly press into tart mould and cut excess dough
8. 在雪櫃鬆弛1小時
Rest in refrigerator for 1 hr
Rest in refrigerator for 1 hr
9. 墊上焗爐紙放上壓石
Line with parchment paper and top with ceramic beans
Line with parchment paper and top with ceramic beans
10. 180c焗10分鐘然後拿出焗爐紙和壓石
Bake at 180c for 10 mins then remove parchment paper and ceramic beans
11. 在裏面掃上蛋液
Egg wash inner surfaces
Egg wash inner surfaces
12. 180c再焗15分鐘
Bake again at 180c for 15 mins
Bake again at 180c for 15 mins
13. 待涼後脫模待用
Let cool and remove from moulds
Let cool and remove from moulds
吉士忌廉 Custard cream
奶 Milk 90 g
糖 Sugar 25g
蛋黃 Egg yolk 1 pc
粟粉 Corn starch 10g
牛油 Butter 5g
溫呢拿醬 Vanilla paste 1/2 tsp
打起淡忌廉 Whipped cream 50g
1. 蛋黃和粟粉攪勻混合
Mix egg yolk and corn starch
Mix egg yolk and corn starch
2. 加熱奶至熱但未煮沸
Heat milk and sugar to hot but not boil
Heat milk and sugar to hot but not boil
3. 邊攪蛋黃混合物邊倒入熱奶然後攪勻
Pour hot milk into egg mixture and stir well
Pour hot milk into egg mixture and stir well
4. 過篩倒回煲中
Pour back the mixture through a sieve into pot
Pour back the mixture through a sieve into pot
5. 煮至杰身後加入牛油和溫呢拿拌勻
Heat again until mixture thickened then add butter and vanilla
Heat again until mixture thickened then add butter and vanilla
6. 倒入已雪凍的容器中,吉士面貼上保鮮紙
Pour into a chilled container and cover the custard surface with plastic wrap
Pour into a chilled container and cover the custard surface with plastic wrap
7. 在雪櫃中待凍
Let cool in refrigerator
Let cool in refrigerator
8. 將吉士攪至軟身
Stir until soft before mixing with whipped cream
Stir until soft before mixing with whipped cream
9. 加入打起淡忌廉攪拌好即成
Mix with wrapped cream once custard is cold
Mix with wrapped cream once custard is cold
組合 To assemble
1. 吉士忌廉唧入撻殻中
Pipe custard cream into tart shell
Pipe custard cream into tart shell
2. 抹刀抺平
Flatten with spatula
Flatten with spatula
3. 放上紅莓,黑莓和裝飾
Place on berries and decorations
Place on berries and decorations