芒果品種有很多,首選當然時菲律賓的呂宋芒。在多倫多雖然連榴槤和大樹菠蘿都有得賣,不知為何就是沒有呂宋芒 ,所以平時做布甸或慕絲就會選用罐裝的 mango pulps ,一大罐都是兩至三加元,又便宜味道也不差。而切芒果粒的話就用墨西哥的 Ataulfu ,雖然香味比呂宋芒遜色,但甜味很足夠,放在蛋糕上面上顏色也很特出。
雪芳蛋糕 Chiffon cake
奶 Milk 55g
牛油 Butter 35g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 80g
粟粉 Corn starch 7g
蛋黃 Egg yolk 4pcs
蛋白 Egg white 4pcs
糖 Sugar 80g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 1tsp
1. 麵粉加粟粉混和過篩待用
Sift flour and corn starch
1. 麵粉加粟粉混和過篩待用
Sift flour and corn starch
Heat milk and butter then add sifted flour
Heat milk and butter then add sifted flour
3. 加入蛋黃攪勻
Whisk egg yolks with the batter
4. 蛋白加檸檬汁加糖打至軟尖狀
Whip egg whites ,lemon juice and sugar to soft peak
Whip egg whites ,lemon juice and sugar to soft peak
5. 將1/3蛋白加入麵糊中攪拌至全混合
Whisk 1/3 egg whites with batter until fully incorporated
Whisk 1/3 egg whites with batter until fully incorporated
6. 再將餘下蛋白卷入即可
Fold in remaining egg whites
Fold in remaining egg whites
7. 180c焗 35 分鐘
Bake about at 180c for 35 mins
Bake about at 180c for 35 mins
芒果慕思 Mango mousse
5. 加芒果蓉拌勻即可待用
Mix cream with mango mixture
芒果蓉 Mango purée/pulp 100g
糖 Sugar 20g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 5g
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 100g
1. 將魚膠粉和糖混合,然後加芒果蓉攪勻
Mix gelatin and sugar, then add in mango purée/pulp
Mix gelatin and sugar, then add in mango purée/pulp
2. 煲/微波爐加熱至糖和魚膠溶解即可
Boil/microwave mixture until sugar and gelatin all dissolved
Boil/microwave mixture until sugar and gelatin all dissolved
3. 待涼至約40c
Let cool to about 40c
Let cool to about 40c
4. 打起淡忌亷至約5-6成
Whip cream to thicken
Whip cream to thicken
5. 加芒果蓉拌勻即可待用
Mix cream with mango mixture
打起忌廉 Whipped cream
淡忌廉 Cream 35% 150g
糖霜 Icing sugar 15g
魚膠粉 Gelatin 1/4 tsp
1. 糖霜加魚膠拌勻
Mix icing sugar and gelatin
Mix icing sugar and gelatin
2. 加50g淡忌廉然後加熱至魚膠溶化
Add 50g cream then heat until gelatin dissolved
Add 50g cream then heat until gelatin dissolved
3. 加入其餘忌廉拌勻雪凍
Mix with remaining cream then refrigerate
Mix with remaining cream then refrigerate
4. 打起至9成即可用
Whip to stiff
Whip to stiff
組合 To assemble
1. 將蛋糕片成3片
Slice cake into 3 piece
Slice cake into 3 piece
2. 放一蛋糕片在模底
Place a cake slice at the bottom of cake mould
Place a cake slice at the bottom of cake mould
3. 在邊上排上芒果粒
Arrange diced mango along rim
Arrange diced mango along rim
4. 抹上一層芒果慕絲
Spread a layer of mango mousse
Spread a layer of mango mousse
5. 在中央放上芒果碎然後抹上慕絲
Place mangoes at the center then spread on mango mousse
Place mangoes at the center then spread on mango mousse
6. 將一片蛋糕放上輕輕壓實
Lightly press a cake slice on top
Lightly press a cake slice on top
7. 重複此步驟
8. 包保鮮紙雪過夜
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight
9. 脫模後在面上抹一層打起忌廉
Remove cake from mould then spread a layer of whipped cream
Remove cake from mould then spread a layer of whipped cream
10. 唧花,放上生果裝飾即可
Decorate with whipping cream and fruit as required
Decorate with whipping cream and fruit as required