棉花糖 Marshmallow 20g
糖霜 Icing sugar 25g
水 Water 1/4tsp
1. 將棉花糖和水微波爐加熱至溶化(約15-20秒)
Microwave marshmallows and water to melt (15-20sec)
Microwave marshmallows and water to melt (15-20sec)
2. 糖霜放在不黏膠墊上
Place icing sugar on a nonstick mat
Place icing sugar on a nonstick mat
3. 將棉花糖倒入糖霜中
Put melted marshmallows into icing sugar
Put melted marshmallows into icing sugar
4. 搓成幼滑不黏團即可
Knead to form a smooth dough
Knead to form a smooth dough
5. 捍開成薄片,用曲奇模級出菊花樣
Roll into thin and cut by daisy cookie cutter
Roll into thin and cut by daisy cookie cutter
6. 在中央唧上已溶白朱古力做花心
Pipe melted white chocolate at center
Pipe melted white chocolate at center
7. 常溫存放在密封的盒子
Store in air tight container at room temperature
Store in air tight container at room temperature