2016年6月30日 星期四

芒果慕絲蛋糕 Mango mousse cake

芒果慕斯蛋糕 mango mousse cake


海綿蛋糕 Sponge cake  
蛋 Egg   2 pcs
糖 Sugar   40g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour  45g                     
牛油溶液 Melted butter  17g

朱古力海綿蛋糕 Chocolate sponge cake 
蛋 Egg   2 pcs    
糖 Sugar  45g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour  35g
可可粉 Cocoa powder  10g
牛油溶液 Melted butter  17g   

1. 蛋加糖座熱水攪和至暖/約40c
     Whisk egg and sugar in hot water bath until mixture is warm/about 40c

2. 離熱水後打至硬
     Remove from hot water and whip until stiff

3. 分三次輕輕捲入已篩粉類
     Gently fold in sifted flour mixture by 3 times    
4. 最後加入已溶牛油
     Incorporate melted butter
5. 倒入已墊紙的焗盤抹平,180c焗約15 分鐘
     Pour into lined baking tray and bake at 180c for 15 mins

芒果慕絲  Mango mousse  
芒果蓉 Mango purée/pulp    200g 
糖 Sugar   40g
魚膠粉 Gelatine   8g
淡忌廉 Whipping cream 35%   200g
1. 將魚膠粉和糖混合,然後加芒果蓉攪勻
     Mix gelatin and sugar, then add in mango purée/pulp     
2. 煲/微波爐加熱至糖和魚膠溶解即可
     Boil/microwave mixture until sugar and gelatin all dissolved      
3. 待涼至暖/40c
     Let cool to warm/40c    
4. 打起淡忌亷至約5-6成
     Whip cream to thicken      
5. 加芒果蓉拌勻即可待用
     Mix cream with mango mixture and ready to assemble

芒果啫喱  Mango jelly  
芒果蓉Mango purée/pulp    100g
魚膠 Gelatin powder    4g
 水 Water    20g
1. 魚膠粉加水然後加入芒果蓉中攪勻
     Mix gelatin and water then add into mango purée and stir well     
2. 加熱至魚膠溶待至暖/35c
     Heat until gelatin dissolved and let cool/35c

組合  To assemble  
1. 將蛋糕切成同一長闊厚的長條
     Cut sponge cakes into strips with same length, width and thickness 

2. 在面上抹上一層薄薄的打起忌廉
     Spread whipped cream on each cake strip

3. 逐一蛋糕條排入慕絲模中成間條紋
     Arrange cake strips alternative one by one at the base of mousse ring

4. 倒入芒果慕絲(要預留空間給芒果啫喱)然後雪約6小時
     Pour mango mousse (reserve space for mango jelly) then refrigerate for 6 hrs

5. 排上芒果球然後倒上芒果啫喱至滿
     Arrange mango and pour jelly mixture over to fill up all the space

6. 雪至啫喱硬身
     Refrigerate until jelly is set     
7. 脫模後切件
     Remove from mousse ring and cut into portions

8. 放上裝飾

